Item details
Eco Gardening: Principles in Practice - Asynchronous Version
ONLINE | Asynchronous Series Open March 6 through May 31, 2024; With course materials and online discussion session.
Instructor: Nina Shippen
$95 Adult Non-Member
(**Arboretum Members receive a 10% discount on all classes.)
BREG - Core
Limit: 30
Asynchronous Series Open February March 6 through May 31. Supplemented with an Online Interactive Discussion Session with Instructor Nina Shippen.
Ecological gardening is a way of thinking about the designed landscape in which gardens are no longer seen as a collection of plants, but as a community of complex interdependencies among plants, soils, environment and animals. Ecology-based methods used in design, site assessment, planning, planting and management are all covered in this comprehensive overview class. Gardeners of all levels of interest and ability will find this foundational class valuable for learning ecologically-sustainable practices that can be adapted and applied in a variety of landscapes.
The class is a core requirement for the Arboretum's Blue Ridge Eco Gardener Certificate of Merit program. An in-person version of this class is scheduled for March 6, 20, and April 3 in 2024.
Planting in a Post-Wild World: Designing Plant Communities for Resilient Landscapes by Thomas Rainer and Claudia West and Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard by Doug Tallamy are recommended texts. Available in the Arboretum’s Connections Gallery with student member discount.
Nina Shippen practices residential landscape and garden design through her company Hidden Road Landscape Design, which focuses on coupling the principles of healing gardens with sound ecologic practices to create satisfying gardens for her clients. A graduate of the landscape design program at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies, she has lived and gardened in Transylvania County since 2005.
Scholarship Consideration
Opportunities for learning through the Arboretum are open to all. If you want to participate and the cost of this program is a hardship for you or your family, please complete the Request for Scholarship Consideration Form. Our Adult & Continuing Education staff will be in touch with information on options.
Registration and Participation in Online Classes through the Arboretum
-- Registration for this class will close two days before the class start date.
-- Make sure you enter your email address correctly when registering.
-- Access to meeting information and Zoom links will be accessible upon registration via your account's Supplemental Content section. To learn how to view this information, please use this helpful guide.
-- Links to recorded meetings will be sent via email within two business days following the live meeting date.
Please add adulteducation@ncarboretum.org to your contacts to ensure our emails do not end up in your spam folder.
We're Sorry!
Tickets are no longer available online for this class. Please contact our Adult & Continuing Education Department with any questions at adulteducation@ncarboretum.org.